In Chilean Patagonia, the sunlight pump is moving water 6 kilometers away to water dispensers, so that sheeps can drink as much water as they need, without having to walk long distances!

For our highly efficient solar technology, the pumping distance, or the low solar radiation of extreme latitudes are not a problem! At several kilometers distance, it is still pumping 0.13 lts/seg with 1 1/4″and 3/4″ pipe according to the customer.

Water is pumped from a small surface water pond (rainwater harvesting), and pump is placed below the solar panels so it is protected from direct sunlight and rain.

The client likes the technology so much that he bought 2 other ones for other parts of the ranch. His installation was carried out by our new distributor/installer in Chile: Heliplast,
You are pleased to contact them if you need a pump in this region.