Since 2022, a women’s group near Kayes, Mali, has been using a 2 HP “sunlight” solar pump to irrigate a tree nursery and vegetable crops covering 7 ha.

It has replaced a diesel motor pump on the bank of the Senegal River. The 2220 W solar panel array installed by our partner EcoTech Mali enables to pump up to 210,000 liters a day at no cost.

Thanks to the new ennos controller, data is stored all year round, enabling us to verify that they use the solar pump almost every day during the dry season, and a few days during the rainy season.

This saves farmers just over 1,000 liters of diesel per year, which represents around 1,400 US$ and 2,300 kg of CO2 per year. As the pump is used mainly during the dry season, the investment pays for itself in two years. If the pump was used all year round (greenhouse, etc.), the investment would pay for itself even faster.