Dear *|FNAME|*,

The last few weeks have been very busy for the ennos team. We have been updating our website to provide even more information and impressions from around the world to you. Find out what is new:

Learn about the sunlight pump applications

With an output of up to 22'000 liters of water a day and a possible vertical water lift of 40 meters, the sunlight pump is the ideal solar water pump for many situations.

Discover the reference cases from around the wo
rld showing you how the sunlight pump is used by farmers and communities. Click here.

Discover our complete solutions

ennos works with selected partners to offer all the high quality material that you require for your efficient irrigation system (with sprinkler or drip) or drinking water supply (with filter). Learn more here.

Meet our distribution partners

The sunlight pump is available in East Africa, West Africa, Central America and South Asia. Meet our distribution partners and get in touch with them directly - they will be happy to serve you. Click here.

Want to become a distributor?

If you are interested in becoming a sunlight pump distributor yourself, get in touch through our website: Distributors -> I want to become a distributor (link). We are looking forward to receiving your message. 

Visit the ennos website


What do you think about our new website? We are happy to receive your feedback!

If you have any questions or requests, do not hesitate to get in touch with us: info@ennos.ch

All the best,

your ennos team


ennos ag

Aarbergstrasse 5
2560 Nidau

Phone: +41 79 215 45 24

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