Dear *|FNAME|*,

Four years ago, our big adventure began: together with our distribution partners we started bringing the sunlight pump to farmers and communities in Africa, Asia, Central America and Europe.

Since then, our distribution network has grown and we have seen thousands of sunlight pump farmers harvest their healthy, solar-irrigated crops.
We are very proud of what we have achieved. Our partnerships with distributors around the world and the manufacturer Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. are strong. 

"We distribute the sunlight pump because we are convinced that the technology maximizes agricultural production with reduced energy costs."

Mary Njue, CEO Epicenter Africa Ltd., sunlight pump distributor in Kenya

ennos is investing into the local capacity building by continuously providing training and technical support to our partners.

"Our technicians have been trained by ennos in order to ensure high quality installations, repair and maintenance of the pumping systems."

Victor Kazimiri, CEO AKVO International Ltd., sunlight pump distributor in Uganda

"We are highly pleased to continue the fruitful and trusted collaboration with ennos. Together, we share the vision of bringing innovative pumping technologies to smallholder farmers and communities in Malawi."

Moshin A. Ghumra, Technical Director Equipment and Parts Suppliers Ltd., sunlight pump distributor in Malawi

"We distribute the sunlight pump because we are convinced that the technology corresponds exactly to what our customers in our African target markets expect in terms of performance factors, product quality, durability and above all the price-performance ratio."

Beat Lehmann, CEO Power-Blox AG, distributor of the sunlight pump in Angola, Mozambique and Tanzania

Our work is bearing fruits

Visit the ennos website
Are you interested in the sunlight pump? Do you want to become a distributor? Do you have a question? Get in touch with us: info@ennos.ch

All the best,

your ennos team


ennos ag

Aarbergstrasse 5
2560 Nidau

Phone: +41 79 215 45 24

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