Dear *|FNAME|*,

Wash your hands - stop COVID-19

Your health is our concern!
UNICEF: Everything you need to know about washing your hands to protect against Coronavirus
Water is needed to ensure sanitation and hygiene

Water has become even more precious in challenging times like these. 

The sunlight pump guarantees a reliable supply of water to your family and community! With a solar-powered water pump, you become independent from the electricity grid. 

Use the sunlight pump in connection with a solar panel and use the abundant, free energy from the sun. Or connect the sunlight pump to a battery. 


We want to make sure that you have access to water and stay healthy.

If you need more information about the sunlight pump, message us: info@ennos.ch

All the best,

 your ennos team

ennos ag

Aarbergstrasse 5
2560 Nidau

Phone: +41 79 215 45 24

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